Hello CPHS Family, We have a blood drive coming up on the 27th. You can sign up early by clicking this link! Note: This is the first time OBI has done a sweatshirt as their giveaway! So cool! Blood Donors will receive a sweatshirt! All blood types are needed, those who are 16 or 17 years old must have a signed permission slip. Charles Page High School & Community Blood Drive Monday, Jan 27th ( 8:30 am - 2 pm) Join us in the Small Gym Schedule your appointment today by clicking the link above. Permission slips will be handed out at school, however if you needed to print the two sided document you can click here https://ourbloodinstitute.org/high-school/
10 days ago, Charles Page High School
blood drive january 27th. 16&17 yr olds must have a parents sign a consent form.
Mr Reagan was nominated for the month of December for the character trait of courage for his actions inside and outside the classroom. Mr. Reagan always has a great attitude and is polite to everyone he comes in contact with. Congratulations Mr Reagan! We sure do appreciate you!!
10 days ago, Charles Page High School
Hey Juniors!! Spring testing season is coming quickly!! Let us help you get prepped for the ACT! This class can help you significantly increase your ACT score, increasing your college acceptance and scholarship opportunities!! Please email to sign up!! You can email kristen.simpson@sandites.org with any questions.
10 days ago, Charles Page High School
CPHS is hiring and would love for you to join our team.
about 1 month ago, Charles Page High School
we are hiring teachers
Early Release Day and Finals.
about 1 month ago, Charles Page High School
friday is early release day at 1:10 unless you have a makeup test.
UCO’s Department of Mass Communication is partnering with deadCenter Film, an internationally-known film festival sponsor, to host the first Oklahoma Teen Film Festival on the UCO campus. This event will take place April 5, 2025. Oklahoma students ages 13 through 19 can submit films to several categories, with a deadline of February 10 (late deadline of March 2). I’ve provided a link for an information kit about the following: Submission deadlines Film categories Event director contact information Frequently Asked Questions The website is go.uco.edu/okteenfilmfest The educator kit is available here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGYhRsklDU/EHPxmR4ek3NQU8fTgrchAQ/view?utm_content=DAGYhRsklDU&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
about 1 month ago, Charles Page High School
Mark your calendars for CHRISTMAS BREAK!!
about 1 month ago, Charles Page High School
Please join us tonight in the CPHS auditorium for our Fine Arts Winter Showcase at 7pm. You'll experience our choirs, band, jazz bands, brass ensemble, percussion ensemble, and drama kids PLUS a special guest performance from Mr. Bivin! Why not join us for dinner beforehand at 5:30pm in the cafeteria? The $7 price tag is less than you would spend at Taco Bell and the proceeds support our arts programs and our spring endeavors together. There's entertainment there, too! What a deal!
about 1 month ago, Charles Page High School
Join us in congratulating our Student Sandite Heroes for the month of November. These students have been nominated for the character trait of Service . Blakelee Meeker Luke Sellers Gracie Elliott Tatum Wells Josie Meyers Zac Edwards Thank you for making a difference at CPHS and keep up the great work.
about 2 months ago, Charles Page High School
november hero
november hero
november hero
CPHS 2024-2025 Teacher of the year is Lisa Wolf Ms. Wolf is amazing and encourages the students and staff to live a healthy life while showing them how to succeed with the skills that she has taught them. Ms. Wolf hosts annual cookoffs and nutrition fairs, giving the students and staff a chance to experience her class in a fun and interactive way. Ms. Wolf has a heart of gold and goes out of her way to take care of others. Ms. Wolf you are truly loved at CPHS thank you for everything you do.
about 2 months ago, Charles Page High School
lisa wolf is teacher of the year
Novembers Teacher Sandite Hero is Heather Miller. Heather Miller has been nominated by her colleagues for the character trait service. Heather Miller is patient and kind, she goes above and beyond when asked to complete a task. Heather is loved by the students and staff and inspires hearts at CPHS. CPHS is so grateful to have you on our team.
about 2 months ago, Charles Page High School
November Hero is Heather Miller
$10.00 at the gate. Sandite passes will NOT work tonight. ALL students MUST have their IDs with them. MUST BRING YOUR PHYSICAL ID. PHOTO ID ON YOUR PHONE WILL NOT WORK. GOOD LUCK SANDITES
2 months ago, Charles Page High School
Sandites mark your calendar for Thanksgiving Break .
2 months ago, Charles Page High School
Mark your calendars for CPHS The Play That Goes Wrong.
3 months ago, Charles Page High School
Charles Page Highschool Drama Presents The Play That Goes Wrong. Play by Henry Lewis, Henry Shields, and Jonathan Sayer. Directed by Andrea Campfield. November 14, 15, 16 & 18 @ 7 p.m. | November 17 @ 2 p.m. Charles Page High School 500 N Adams Rd, Sand Springs, OK 74063 Students, Teachers, and senior citizens: $&. General Admission: $10. Produced through special arrangement by Dramatists Play Service Inc.
Join us in congratulating our Student Sandite Heroes for the month of October. These students have been nominated for servant leadership. Thank you for making a difference at CPHS and keep up the great work.
3 months ago, Charles Page High School
Join us for some bingo, silent auction, baskets, tacos and more. Seniors and Veterans receive a FREE DINNER.
3 months ago, Charles Page High School
bingo night 11-2 at 5:30-8:30
Here are some resources to help with a healthy lifestyle for your student.
3 months ago, Charles Page High School
healthy bodies flyer
drug free schools flyer
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Cooper. He is the recipient of Sandite Hero - Teacher for the month of October. Mr. Cooper was nominated by his colleagues for his representation of the character trait, Responsibility and Citizenship. Mr. Cooper is caring and encouraging to everyone around him. Please join me in congratulating Mr. Cooper for being OUTSTANDING!!
3 months ago, Charles Page High School
Sandites Hero of the month is Mr. Cooper
3 months ago, Charles Page High School
Let's join together for the football game and show our school spirit! The theme is BLACK OUT!
3 months ago, Charles Page High School