FAQs for Re-Entry (for Pratt families) 

Q: Are faculty and staff required to wear masks?

A: Yes. Unless they fall under certain conditions outlined in SSPS re-entry plan.

Q: Are students required to wear masks?

A: All students will be expected to have a cloth face covering at school. Students in grades 4 through 12 will be required to wear a cloth face covering while at school. Students in grades PreK through 3 will be required to wear a cloth face covering in common areas such as hallways, but may remove the face covering in the classroom, while eating lunch, and during outdoor activities. Individual students should avoid close contact (less than 6 feet space, greater than 15 minutes) when possible.

Q: How are staff disinfecting classrooms or common areas?

A: The district has provided disinfectant, wipes, and sanitizer for each site that will be readily   available to each classroom teacher to use in their classroom and in common areas. Daily disinfecting guidelines (common areas included).

  • Where and when possible, open doors and windows to allow ventilation given security and weather concerns

  • Secure the location before leaving

  • Sanitize all manipulatives 

  • Gloves are available for all tasks in the cleaning process

  • Virex will be used as a one-step cleaner and disinfectant

Q: Is social distancing occurring in the classroom?

A: Yes. Teachers are expected to set up classrooms as best they can for classrooms for seating arrangements in an effort to socially distance. Teachers will use their best judgement depending on space in the classroom to adhere to these CDC guidelines.

Q: If a student rides the bus, will they be required to wear masks?

A: Yes. Cloth face coverings will be required on buses unless one of the following conditions outlined in the SSPS re-entry plan apply. Parents are encouraged to bring their children to school if possible. Buses will be sanitized after each route and windows, when feasible, will open for ventilation. 

Q: Will we have assemblies? 

A: All assemblies will be postponed until further notice. We will still celebrate student successes virtually. 

Q: Will volunteers be allowed to enter the building?

A: Volunteers may be allowed to enter buildings on a limited basis with prior notice and site administrator(s) approval for school business only. Most school business i.e., IEP meetings, can be handled via Zoom. In cases where that is not feasible, we will accommodate. Approved volunteers are required to wear a cloth face covering while in the building. 

  • No parents or family members will be allowed to accompany their students into the building at any time, including meals, drop off and pick up 

  • School parties will be suspended until further notice

  • School assemblies at all grade levels will be limited to students and staff only until further notice

  • Large school events held in instructional buildings (Back to School nights, Meet & Greet, Title I Parent Nights, etc.) will be restricted to 250 people and managed by site leaders following guidelines to the best extent possible.


Q: What is traditional learning?

A: A traditional learning, or Brick and Mortar, environment places students on-site and learning through traditional methods. While technology may be utilized within classrooms, the methods of teaching are in person.

Q: What is distance learning?

A: Distance learning is used for short-term placements away from traditional learning or may be used in the event of a school-wide or district-wide closure.  Coursework could include virtual online instruction by the classroom teacher, as well as the use of packets.

Q: What is virtual learning?

A: Virtual learning is when a student receives the majority of instruction away from the brick and mortar school.  This would include students who take all courses (full-time virtual) away from brick and mortar buildings via the Sand Springs Virtual Academy.

Q: What is blended learning?

A: Blended learning includes some virtual instruction delivered by the Sand Springs Virtual Academy as well as onsite placement for some specific coursework which includes traditional instruction at a brick and mortar site. 

Q: Who do I contact for more information regarding virtual options?

A: For more information about virtual/blended learning options, contact Mr. Jay Rotert at 918.246.1483 or via email at jay.rotert@sandites.org.